Thursday, August 18, 2011

MaMi Shoppes 4th Annual Christmas Show In Solina November 26, 2011

Hi all, Heather here! I'm the voice of the blog but Rachel and Rebekah are back again too and will chime in and be in touch personally as we get closer to the event.

I can hardly believe that the summer is almost gone and we will be back in preparation mode for the Solina Christmas Show on November 26th. We want to thank you, our wonderful vendors and customers, for another great show last year. It was a little scary at first when the snow was flying but the crowds eventually braved the weather and came. Personally, I enjoyed the little bit of quiet time at the beginning because I did a lot of my own Christmas shopping during it! There were so many beautiful things to choose from - all of our vendors have been so talented and so friendly and warm that the day is an absolute pleasure for us.

But, back to this year! In terms of changes for 2011:

1. The blog has a new look but all the old info is still there plus more. Just take a look at the menu bar to find things that used to be on the home page.

2. Table fees are all equal now - go to the vendor FAQs for an explanation as to why.

3. The sidebar links to your personal or business websites will be updated to a more modern 2 column sidebar look. What I will need from you is a 125 x 125 pixel icon or picture and the site you want the picture linked to. Here is an example of the size and type of graphic that would be suitable:

If you are not able to provide a graphic, your link will appear below the ads in a link list.

Advertising rates for those who are not actually involved in the show but who would like to start getting their info to the local community are very low and a great way to start building a local online presence. These rates would also apply to other businesses that vendors might like to advertise but that are not actually directly related to their Christmas show business. Go to the 'advertise' page for more info. Graphic design of sidebar ads is also available at a reasonable rate.

That's the only update for the moment except for one final thing - if you have friends or family members who make or sell beautiful things, done hesitate to tell us or to send them here to apply! We found out last year that there were loved ones who would have liked to have been involved but, for whatever reason, didn't think there was room for them. Well, truthfully, at that point there wasn't! But definitely get them to contact us as soon as possible if they are interested this year - because past vendors get first dibs and things do go fast after they are sorted out. We also don't mind table sharing if you feel that your's and your friend's products are complementary - but we only go to a table sharing model once the full tables are all sold out.

That's it for now but take care and check back often! The new functionality to this site means that I will be posting much more than before and adding all kinds of useful info including a new link page for sites of interest to our vendors such as crafting, photography, diy tips etc. The goal is to create a blogsite that both vendors and customers will be interested in so that your local and online businesses will get more exposure. So share this site with everyone you know!